
Showing posts from September, 2012


Self-chatter is honesty beyond social norms, and it is madness. Charity is madness, we whisper it at the echoes of potential most people become, and a voice beyond a chair is madness. Walking is madness, and we wish for the easy excellence in moving frames. Desire is sanity but pursing it is madness. Both fame and contentment are madness. Both anonymity and influence are madness. Sacrifice is madness. Consumption is genius. How many skinny-cow famine-years do we need to balance our BMI? Masses are mad. Individuals are mad. Interface is meaning. In truth, the personal is where this happens, madness can interact with madness. All else is broken limbs paralysis vomit and groggy dreamless sleep. Written early Sept 2012. (not about the band)

Autonomy is a Prison

Dreams escape the skull by waking and moving. If you had the space to stop and think you'd see the seams in the dreams and need escape from the facade of internal interaction. Fulfilment is a red herring of purpose. A broken filament passes no current and I cannot reach charge without someone else's choice hands. Autonomy is a prison. Set the domino of the freedom of locking fingers, the pleasure of complications, and the liberation of obligations. Dreamer, escape your pretence and live! Written mid August 2012. Emphasising the importance of personal relationships, mutual belonging and self-sacrifice as what it is to be a person. Individual freedom as the goal of one's life is counter-productive, unhealthy and impossible as we are people, persons, and we belong together, making mistakes and making up, we are interpersonal beings.


Grace was not created, it has always existed within the divine, and it started to heat up when we started to need it. There's broken voices, yes bravado has banished tears with dizzying toxins, but these voices are broken because someone broke them, and there is no shame in that! We're all hemorrhaging from interpersonal capillaries that have been severed at our skin. We're getting tired as we leek that red oxygenated liquid, but there is still no shame in that! And we all stumble through these half finished streets from one dilapidated lie of fulfilment to the next, this time choosing our own wounds and exacerbating aged scars. Yet grace is older than our broken choices and it offers a change, it is big enough to cover our stubbornness and there is no shame in grace. Written September 2012. There is no shame in the things you cannot control. Through grace there is a way to remove the shame of the things we can control.