What is it that unifies us? For the boiling bad blood of heated boarders has polluted all the air inside the firmament-sky, and false belonging spits at empathy as personhood is domestically defined. What is it that brings us together? For self-perpetuating open wounds are blinding and searing any concept of an 'us' and reactions chase reactions chase reactions chase reactions chase reactions. What is it that brings us together from this hopeless hate? The most hurt party not only abandoned vengeance but mirrored it onto Himself, and demonstrates frail victory that looks like failure to us, unless we abandon vengeance in an embrace that crosses every dimension of this sickne ss. This is what brings us together: A divine reconciliation stained in the blood of hurt, and risen in the germinating promise of immeasurable change. Written 22/02/12 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 'All this is from God, who reconc...